Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


If you believe that using the appropriate keywords to get noticed by Google is the only aspect of search engine optimization (SEO), think again. It is clear that 2024 will be the year that relationship-building becomes increasingly important.

Indeed, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming more and more prevalent, automating several chores and even making certain decisions for humans. Ultimately, though, the key is to establish a genuine connection with your audience.

That’s why it’s so important to prepare your SEO strategy for 2024. It involves keeping abreast of changes to SEO algorithms and comprehending the needs and online behaviors of your target audience.

Our goal is for this blog to become your go-to resource, filled with the newest trends and an incredible checklist to make sure you’re meeting all the requirements. This is a synopsis.

An outline of the contents of this checklist can be found here.

  • Anticipated SEO Trends for 2024
  • Organising Your SEO Checklist for 2024
  • SEO Component Breakdown
  • Strategic Planning
  • Keyword Research
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Local SEO
  • Mobile SEO
  • Link Building
  • UX and Core Web Vitals
  • Analysis and Monitoring
  • Social Media Integration
  • Content Strategy
  • Voice Search Readiness
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation
  • Checklists Based on Frequency
  • One-Off Tasks
  • Periodic Maintenance
  • Tasks as Needed
  • Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

Anticipated SEO Trends for 2024

Without knowledge of future events, it is impossible to make plans for them. Let’s examine the SEO trends that you should be aware of.

AI Integration: 

Microsoft’s Bing Chat and Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) were launched in 2023 with the aim of continuously improving features and optimising content ranking. According to Statista, 49% of American adults are interested in AI-powered online search, and Google and other big tech companies are willing to invest up to $100 billion to keep the trend going.

In 2024, AI is expected to handle 85% of consumer contacts, indicating that its role in SEO is growing quickly. This improves customer pleasure and engagement and includes chatbots, automated content generation, and personalized search experiences.

It is getting harder and harder to stand out in a world full of AI-generated content. The E-A-T principles from Google provide a road map for emphasising the usefulness and human touch in your material.

The acronym E-E-A-T, which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, is essential. Increased E-E-A-T levels encourage more conversions by increasing user trust and earning search engine incentives. This emphasises how much more important it is in the current situation.

What about content created by AI?

In actuality, AI cannot take the place of content that is developed by humans in terms of user trust. Even after curating and creating pertinent AI content, you must verify that it complies with E-E-A-T SEO guidelines and is accurate.

We’ve talked a lot about the value of   and how to use it in your content, such as product, service, and location evaluations.

User Experience Emphasis: 

Since 88% of online shoppers are less inclined to revisit a website following a negative encounter, user experience has taken center stage. User-centric aspects like as mobile friendliness, page speed, and overall usability are becoming more and more important to search engines in order to enhance ranks.

Voice Search Optimization: 

In 2024, voice searches are predicted to account for 50% of all queries, continuing the trend of increasing popularity. It becomes essential to use structured data and optimize content for natural language in order to meet the needs of this changing search behavior.

Video SEO Dominance: 

With 82% of all internet traffic coming from videos, videos continue to rule the internet. For search engine exposure, video content optimization becomes essential, including pertinent metadata, transcripts, and engagement metrics.

Ephemeral Content Optimization: 

SEO methods are influenced by the growing popularity of ephemeral material, as seen by sites such as Instagram Stories, which has 500 million daily active users. Content that is relevant and interesting and fits in with these platforms’ transient nature becomes more popular.

Blockchain for Security: 

Blockchain technology is becoming popular in SEO because it offers more security and transparency. By 2024, blockchain technology is anticipated to be integrated into 90% of enterprises for cybersecurity purposes, affecting things like data integrity and backlink verification.

Rich Snippets and Featured Snippets: 

Rich snippets can increase click-through rates by up to 677%, securing them becomes essential. Content that is optimized for snippets gets more exposure and draws in more natural traffic.

Zero Click Searches Mitigation: 

SEO tactics have to change in response to the problem of zero-click searches, in which more than 50% of Google searches yield no clicks. More thorough information in search results or appealing snippets to encourage clicks are two possible strategies.

Mobile-First Indexing Evolution: 

Mobile-first indexing evolves as mobile devices contribute to 53% of global internet traffic. Prioritizing mobile responsiveness and user experience remains critical for achieving higher search rankings.

Sustainable SEO Practices: 

67% of consumers choose eco-friendly products, hence environmental factors play a role in SEO. A factor affecting search engine rankings and customer trust is the incorporation of sustainable practices into website building and content generation.

Organising Your SEO Checklist for 2024

Two incredibly powerful methods to organize your SEO checklist for high efficient approach.

  1. Organizing by SEO Components: Sort jobs into different SEO components if you like a more organized approach. This strategy guarantees a targeted and well-organized approach by letting you focus on certain SEO elements without feeling overburdened.

  2. Frequency-Based Organization: The frequency-based checklists are customized to your workflow for individuals who would rather operate in a chronological order. With the help of this technique, you can easily incorporate SEO duties into your daily schedule, guaranteeing timely and reliable optimization efforts.

Now that you have decided between a frequency-based strategy and a component-oriented analysis, let’s dive into our SEO checklist.

SEO Component Breakdown

Setting up your 2024 SEO checklist will help ensure that it is implemented and managed effectively. This article serves as an outline of how to organize your SEO assignments:

  1. Strategic Planning:
    Identify your objectives for SEO:
    Growing organic presence and enhancing SEO are listed as the top priority by 70% of marketers.
    Set KPIs: Websites with KPIs have a 21% higher chance of succeeding in their endeavours.
  2. Keyword Research: Understanding your audience’s interests and search engine usage habits will help you do effective keyword research for SEO. This implies that in addition to selecting keywords at random, you’re also gaining insight into how your target audience actually uses them.

There are five crucial steps you must do as part of an SEO exercise to make sure the keywords you choose are high-ranking, relevant, and valuable.

•  Identify your Audience

To ensure that you’re not just tossing keywords into the darkness and hoping for the best, you must first identify who you’re speaking to.

You may find the most relevant terms for your business by conducting keyword research using tools like Google’s Keyword Planner. Additionally, you may utilize Google Analytics to learn more about the traits of your audience, including:

  •  Interests 
  •  Demographics 
  •  Behaviour

Finding and modifying your keywords to fit your audience’s search intent is possible if you have a good understanding of who they are.

  •  Using Keywords Research Tools:  Tools that provide software as a service (SaaS) have made keyword research simpler. While there are more tools available, Netwet’s Lead SEO Strategist Bhaskar Upadhyay suggests Semrush for keyword research for SEO. These tools enable you to determine the appropriate keywords by combining several aspects, including:
  • Keyword difficulty: To what extent would ranking for this keyword be challenging?
  • Search volume: How many number of times a keyword is looked up on a monthly basis.
  • Competition: Is there a lot of space for growth, or is the keyword very competitive?
  • Related terms: With the keyword, what other pertinent terms are connected?

Moreover, these tools include capabilities like competitive analysis, automated audit reports, and keyword-based content optimization for search engine optimization.

  • Checking Competitors Keywords: We’ve discussed competition, but have you considered looking into their keyword tactics? Look at the keywords that your rivals are focusing on. Utilize programs such as SpyFu or the competitor analysis function on Semrush to find out the keywords they rank for. This helps you find opportunities for exploits and provides ideas for your own approach. Targeting keywords with a high search volume and medium to low difficulty is a decent general rule of thumb.
  • Identifying Long-Tail Keywords: Instead of focusing on and utilizing short-tail keywords, we advise locating long-tail keywords. They are easier to rank for even though they are less searched and more detailed. Ninety-eight million searches are long-tail terms, according to Backlinko. You may find out what questions people are asking in your field by using resources like AnswerThePublic. These queries can then be transformed into long-tail keywords.
  • Creating Keywords Cluster:Keyword clustering is essential for the completion of any keyword research. It’s a fantastic method for grouping keywords into categories and figuring out what kind of content your site should have.
    Google bots will adore the order that your website will have if you group comparable words together. Additionally, it makes it easier for users to navigate your website.
    Here’s how to accomplish it quickly:
  •  Decide on a main subject to look up.
  • Add more relevant keywords to the topic group.
  • Choose the content pieces that are best suited for addressing each keyword cluster.

Your website will be search engine optimized and well-structured in this way.

  • On-Page SEO: It’s time to write on-page content that is optimized for search engine bots as well as human visitors once you have determined your SEO keywords. It actually combines quality information with a hint of technical expertise. We’ll go over the most essential on-page SEO checklist items here that will help you optimize your website for search engine results.
    (1). Write Captivating Meta Descriptions and Title Tags: Search engine results pages (SERPs) display your meta description as your elevator pitch and your title tag as your newspaper headline. Make sure it addresses the user’s search query specifically and contains your goal term.
    The five qualities of an effective meta title and meta description are shared by Netwet:
    (2).Length of Title and Meta Description:  By making sure a title and meta description stay inside the suggested character restrictions, you may qualify their SEO-friendliness.
    It is generally recommended that titles be no more than 60 characters, and meta descriptions to be no more than 150–160 characters.
    Well-written metadata doesn’t get taken off from SERPs and is presented correctly.
    (3).Use of Keywords: Check if the targeted keyword or keywords are present. You may increase the likelihood that your website will rank for those searches by including relevant keywords in both the title and meta description.
    But it’s crucial to make sure the keywords are utilized organically and don’t detract from the content’s readability and user-friendliness.
    (4).Content Relevance: Evaluating if a title and meta description accurately convey the content of the page is necessary to qualify its human-friendliness.
    After reading these components, users ought to be able to comprehend the purpose of the page. Your search engine marketing efforts  may suffer from deceptive or clickbait headlines and descriptions, which can result in a bad user experience and high bounce rates.
    (5).Potential of Engagement: Being human-friendly also entails taking into account how your title and meta description may affect readers’ emotions.
    A skillfully written title and description has the power to draw in readers, spark their curiosity, or resolve an issue. Improved user engagement and increased click-through rates (CTR) are the results, and these are crucial for SEO performance.
    (6).Distinct and Unique: Each page should have a distinct title and meta description that are both compelling and search engine optimized. Users and search engines alike may become confused by duplicate material in these components. As a result, it’s critical to write unique headlines and descriptions that grab attention and persuade readers to click.
  • Setting up Using Headings (H1, H2, H3): Not only do headings enhance the visual appeal of your material, but they also aid search engines in deciphering the organization of your page.
    Your H1 should be specific to the page and contain your goal term. To divide text into sections and make it easier to read, use H2s and H3s. You can audit your headings with the use of programs like Screaming Frog. H2 is typically used as the main part and H3 is used for the subsections.
    Search engines can comprehend what you’re talking about in these parts without having to read every word.
  • Improve the URL Structure : In addition to being a web address, your URL can help with SEO. Here’s how to get the most out of it:
  • Keep it concise and easy to read: Ideally, it should have no more than 75 characters.
  • Be descriptive: Make use of terms that convey the meaning of the page.
  • Add keywords: This aids in the understanding of the page’s content by search engines.
  • Use hyphens rather than underscores: Search engine crawlers see hyphens as spaces, which facilitates understanding.

Steer clear of odd characters and lengthy numerical sequences. With the majority of content management systems (CMS), such as WordPress, you may alter the URL slug for every page.

  • Link Internally: Internal links contribute to the distribution of page authority on your website. Therefore, include links to other pertinent pages and topics in your writing.
    -Noting the user experience aspect of internal links, “internal links enhance the user experience and SEO by offering readers easy access to additional, related information right within the same website.”
    -“This can maintain their interest and motivate them to peruse additional content from us.”
    -Okay, then what about SEO, though?
    -They are a “significant component of SEO,”
    -They aid search engines in deciphering the organization of our website and the relationships between its many pages. This may   increase the likelihood that our content will appear higher in search results.
    -Internal links also “direct more ‘link juice‘ to important pages,” which is an additional benefit that results from the authority being   transferred between pages on a given domain. Basically, a page’s authority with search engines increases with the number of internal   links linking to it.
    -Make use of informative anchor text to help readers understand the purpose of the linked page.
    -To make the process of internal linking easier, Netwet recommends utilizing the Yoast SEO plugin, which “provides suggestions for internal linking and ensures that our content is well-connected throughout the site.”
  • Add Trusted External Links: Although internal linking is beneficial for SEO, don’t overlook the importance of linking to reliable, respectable websites. External links give the reader more resources and demonstrate your research skills.
    NETWET explained how domain authority (DA) might affect your website’s credibility and trustworthiness. “It’s generally a good practice to link to websites with higher domain authority to maintain the integrity of your own content.”
    -Before choosing to link to a website, Bhaskar advises utilizing well-known tools like Moz Link Explorer to determine its domain authority (DA):
    -Make sure you are optimizing your website for search engines by linking to only high-quality, relevant, and value-adding external content. Links to websites that can harm the reputation of your website should be avoided.
  • Optimize Images: Larger graphics might negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings by slowing down your website. We advise using programs like TinyPNG and ImageOptim to reduce the size of your images in order to remedy this. This is simple to accomplish and speeds up loading times, which increases search engine traffic.
    Additionally, remember to provide alt-text for photos, which is a plain language description of the image. Alt-text makes your material easier for crawlers to read and makes your site’s images accessible to people with visual impairments.
  • Responsibility Use Keywords: Stuffing your page with keywords is considered a bad ranking factor that might damage your ranks over time. Thus, reconsider if you want to simply stuff keywords throughout your writing. That’s not as smart as Google.A keyword density of one to two percent is advised. Put one or two keywords in for every 100 words, according to this. By doing this, search engines are kept from identifying your material as keyword stuffing and the content remains natural.
  • Off-Page SEO: While optimizing the content on your website is a fantastic idea, what about the outside content? This is where off-page SEO tactics come into play, enhancing the importance that search engines and the Internet place on your content by running campaigns in conjunction with your local business and community.Off-page SEO is a busy component that you must continue to optimize in 2024, ranging from strong backlinks and social media presence to positive customer reviews.

         These are the eight things you must undertake in the upcoming year.

  • Create High-Quality Backlinks: Redirects are similar to endorsements from other websites. Votes, however, are not all made equal. Prioritize obtaining backlinks from reputable websites within your industry.
    We’ve outlined a few things to think about when developing backlinks:
    -Relevance: A website or page that is pertinent to your sector or content should be the source of the backlink. In terms of SEO,   backlinks from websites that are connected are more significant.
    Page Authority: Consider the authority of the particular page that is linking to your website in addition to the domain authority. A backlink from a website with a lot of authority is worth more.
    Link Location: Backlinks positioned in a page’s body have a higher value than those in sidebars, footers, or other less noticeable     places.
    Traffic and Engagement: Take into account the volume of visitors to the website that is linked to as well as the degree of user participation, including shares, comments, and content interaction.
    Editorial Backlinks: Links inserted into editorial content because the website thinks it’s worth reading are typically of a higher caliber than links that are sponsored or purchased.
    Site Reputation and Trustworthiness: Evaluate the connecting website’s general reputation and dependability. Seek out indications of dependability and credibility.
    Age of the Link: Backlinks that are older tend to have greater credibility and significance over the long term, which increases their value.
    Linking the Industry Authority of the Site: Your SEO worth is greatly increased by a backlink from a highly authoritative and reputable website in the field.
    -Social Signals: Take into account the social media presence of the website that links. Backlinks from websites with a large and engaged social media following could be more powerful.Help A Reporter Out (HARO), a tool that allows journalists to request sources for their articles, is a great tool to employ in this situation.A few mentions from these will give you a great opportunity to obtain high-quality backlinks. Speak with these magazines and websites  and provide them with interesting information that they would want to link to. Recall that quality matters more than quantity.”Over time, developing a diversified and organic backlink profile is a more sustainable and successful SEO approach than focusing on   obtaining low-quality or spammy links.”
  • Take Part in Guest Blogging: You’re mistaken if you believe guest blogging is obsolete. Most likely, you’re just not doing it correctly. Locate trustworthy websites in your field and submit a brilliant article idea to them. Guest blogging are a great way to obtain high-quality backlinks as well. You can place a backlink on these websites in the:
  1. Resource box
  2. Author bio
  3. Article body

Put your attention on being highlighted on reliable websites as this will raise your domain authority and search engine rating. You can utilize HARO to locate influencers that are searching for content relating to your niche, as thousands of journalists use it.

  • Utilize Social Media: While social media signals might not have a direct effect on SEO, they might increase backlinks to your content and drive visitors. Thus, post your material on all of your social media channels and inspire others to follow suit.
    You can use events and corporate updates to tailor your page and website to your target demographic.
    To plan posts and monitor interaction, use tools like Hootsuite.
  • Take Part in Conversations in the Community: Join Facebook groups, Reddit threads, and forums where members of your target demographic congregate. When appropriate, gently promote your material while offering insightful commentary. Just remember that no one enjoys spammers.
    -You may monitor conversations involving your brand or keywords by using tools such as Mention.
  • Produce Content That Can Be Shared: Your content is more likely to be shared if it is shared easily. Surely this is evident?
    The following are some instances of content that can be shared:
    -How-to videos
    -Cheat sheets and checklists
    You can also simplify sharing for your audience. Use social media sharing widgets and plugins, such as AddThis and ShareThis, across your website. Additionally, review widgets facilitate users’ social network sharing of their reviews.
  • Make Google Business Profile Improvements: Your Google firm Profile (GBP) is your new front entrance if you’re a local firm. Verify that it is accurate, comprehensive, and target keyword optimized.
    -To completely enhance your business profile, follow these steps:
    (1). Finish Your Profile:
    Make sure you have completed every field in your Google Business Profile. Included in this are your company name, address, phone number, website, operating hours, and a succinct yet detailed business description.
    Make Use of High-Quality Photos: Provide high-quality pictures of your company, such as your cover photo, emblem, and photographs that highlight your goods or services. • Impressive images aid in drawing in new clients.
    Verify Your Listing: Ensure that Google has validated your company. This gives your profile more legitimacy and gives you access to more features.
    Precise Location Data: Verify the accuracy of your location on the map. Verify the pin location one more time to aid clients in finding your company easily.
    Interact With Reviews: Invite clients to submit reviews and quickly address them. Interacting with reviews—both favorable and unfavorable—demonstrates your appreciation for input.
    Add Posts and Updates: Share events, updates, and promotions by using the Posts section of your Google Business Profile. This maintains your profile informative and up to date.
    Make use of Google Q&A: Respond to commonly asked questions on your profile and pose questions of your own. This might assist prospective clients in locating the data they require.
    Add Products and Services: In the Products area, include a list of your offerings. To give prospective consumers comprehensive information, including descriptions, prices, and high-quality photographs.
    Make use of Google Insights: Keep an eye on the Insights area to see how users engage with your page. Using this information, you may make more informed choices to raise your profile.
    Remain Consistent: To improve your online visibility, make sure that the information you post on all of your social media pages and website is the same.
  • Promote testimonials and reviews from customers:xDo not worry if your business is not local. Reviews are still quite important for your off-page SEO tactics. They offer new, user-generated material for your website, which is something that search engines adore, to all businesses.
    Here’s how you obtain endorsements and recommendations from clients:
    (1).Email campaigns:
    Request reviews from current and former clients via email.
    (2).In-app prompts: You can use the app your business offers to request reviews from clients.
    (3).Social media: Ask followers for reviews and testimonials from customers by using social media sites.After that, you can link to reviews in your article, establish a page just for them, and show them throughout your website.
  • Keep an eye on your backlink profile: Pay attention to who is connecting with you. Take action to eliminate any low-quality or spammy links that you come across. You can instruct Google to disregard these links by using tools like the Google Disavow Tool.We suggest two reliable tools to check the health of your backlinks: Ahrefs and Semrush. You may check your backlink profile with the backlink auditing tools provided by both software packages.With the use of these two tools, you can make sure that you aren’t receiving any spammy or low-quality backlinks to your website by assessing the quality of backlinks pointing to it.
  • Technical SEO: Making adjustments to backend website elements is another way to optimize the performance of your website. By following this technical SEO checklist, you can make sure that your website is easy for search engines to navigate and functions properly.
    Your website will become more responsive, safe, and quick with the completion of these activities.
    (1). Put SSL Certification into Practice; Like Google, you should take security seriously.
    In order to ensure that sensitive information, including login credentials, financial information, and personal data, is kept private and secure, SSL certificates “encrypt the data exchanged between a user’s browser and the website’s server.”Google favors secure websites, SSL certificates not only increase user trust but also improve your ranking.Non-SSL websites are also marked as “Not Secure” by browsers like Chrome, which is a proven method to frighten off visitors.(2). Enhance the Speed of Your Website:  Here, going slow and steady won’t win the race. A sluggish website might drive users away and lower your search engine rating.
    We suggests the following actions to improve the speed of your website:
    Using content delivery networks (CDNs)
    Optimizing photos and videos
    Minimizing the use of huge files
    Minimizing the use of plugins or scripts and Enabling compression methods like GZIPTo improve website speed and user experience, you may also employ “efficient coding practices, such as minimizing HTTP requests and utilizing asynchronous loading for scripts.”

    (3). Ensure It’s Mobile-Friendly: You simply cannot afford to overlook mobile responsiveness, since mobile devices account for over half of all web traffic. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to evaluate the performance of your website. It has to be redesigned if it isn’t responsive to mobile devices.

    The majority of contemporary CMS platforms, such as Squarespace and WordPress, make it simple to create mobile-friendly websites.

    (4). Mend Broken Links: Both users and search engine crawlers depend on broken links. Use a program like Screaming Frog or Xenu Link Sleuth to locate and fix any broken links on your website. Also, this will enhance the functionality of your website as a whole.

    (5).Establish an XML sitemap: Search engines like Google, Bing, and others can better understand a website’s structure and content by using an XML sitemap, which is a file that identifies every page on the website.

    Consider an XML sitemap to be a search engine’s road map. It makes it easier for people to navigate your site and comprehend how your material is organized.
    Make Use of a Sitemap Generator: You can create XML sitemaps for your website automatically with a number of online tools and plugins.
    Arrange URLs: Ensure that the URLs in your sitemap are logically arranged and represent the structure of your website.
    Only Use Canonical URLs: To make sure search engines recognize a page’s primary version, only use canonical URLs.
    Submit to Search Engines: Use their webmaster tools or search console to submit your XML sitemap to search engines when you’ve created it. Search engines will find and index your pages more quickly if you follow this step.
    Incorporate Media and Multilingual Content: For improved search engine optimization (SEO), think about incorporating media and multilingual content—such as photographs and videos—into your XML sitemap.

    To make sure that search engine crawlers can rapidly locate and index the material on your website, you must have a clear XML sitemap.

    (6). Enhance the Robots.txt file: Search engines are informed about what they can and cannot crawl on your website by your robots.txt file.
    Make sure it’s set up properly so that search engines may access critical pages while excluding others, like admin pages, from being indexed.
    Upon setting up your robots.txt file, you ought to:
    Refrain from preventing crawling and indexing of important pages.
    If there are any subdirectories you don’t want crawled, exclude their contents.
    If a crawl delay is required, specify it to avoid overwhelming your server.
    You have two options for uploading your robots.txt file: the Search Console or your FTP client.

  • Make Use of Canonical Tags: Duplicate material might lower your ranks and confuse search engines. To instruct search engines about which version of a page is the “original,” use canonical tags. This is especially helpful if your content is similar on several different URLs.
    Canonical URL settings are included into the majority of content management systems, such as WordPress. You can manually add it by adding a tag to your page’s <head> section. This is how the syntax appears:
    <link rel=”canonical” href=”http://example.com/your-url”>
  • Enhance the Site’s Organization: Ensure that your website has a clear URL structure, logical hierarchy, easy-to-use navigation, and a breadcrumb trail. This can enhance the crawlability of your website and assist search engines in deciphering the relationships between pages.
    Here are three methods for completing this.
    Breadcrumb navigation: This facilitates user navigation on your website and aids search engines in deciphering the hierarchy of pages.
    nternal links: Creating links between pages on your website is a terrific method to enhance user experience and increase average time on site.
    Flat architecture: Search engine crawlers can more easily access all of your material without having to go through a lot of layers if your structure is flat.

Here’s a tip: Make the most shallow page structure you can. This will facilitate the crawling and indexing of your material by search engine bots.

  • Set Up Parameters for the URL: Duplicate content problems might arise from URL parameters such as tracking codes or session IDs. To instruct Google on how to treat these parameters, use the Google Search Console. This guarantees that search engines will crawl your website more quickly, reducing crawl money and preventing problems with duplicate material.
  • Include Structured Data Markup into Practice: You can include structured data into the HTML of your website to aid search engines in deciphering the content of the page. This may result in SEO highlighted snippets, which raise click-through rates.A blog post’s featured snippets in SEO are the result of a well-executed use of structured data with SEO.The following structured data and schema markup formats are supported by Google for SEO:
    – Article:
    Use this for narratives and blog entries.
    Local business: Use this to display your company’s address, phone number, and other details to potential clients.
    Education Q&A: Use this to increase the discoverability of instructional information.
    Event: Apply this to forthcoming occasions.
    FAQ: Use this to display queries and responses pertaining to a certain subject.
    Product: Use this to highlight the goods you provide for sale online.
    Recipe: This allows you to create searchable cooking recipes.
    Video: Use this to direct users to videos that are relevant to a given subject.
    Logo: Use this to display your company’s logo.
    Image metadata: Make use of this to add descriptions of the photos on your website.

If you want to make sure that search engines will accept your structured data, we advise you to use Google’s Rich Results Testing Tool. The tool will provide you thorough feedback for every kind of markup and notify you if there are any mistakes or warnings. Verifying that everything has a green check mark

The tool also allows you to see a preview of potential search results.

  • Check for Site Errors: Errors on your website can degrade user experience and harm your SEO. But it’s simple to overlook them. The following are some of the most typical mistakes to watch out for:
    – 500 Internal Server Error: Usually caused by a server, programming, or other technical SEO issue.
    404 Not Found Error: When a user accesses a page that doesn’t exist.
    Redirects: When users are sent to unexpected pages.
    Slow page loads: In order for users to stay on your website and for search engines to index your pages, they must load quickly.

Ahrefs and Google Search Console both include built-in tools that notify you of site issues so you can address them right away.

  • Optimize for Global Viewers: Consider using hreflang tags if your website caters to visitors from several nations or languages. These assist in providing the appropriate material to the proper audience by informing search engines about the language you are using on a particular page.

“Hreflang implementation improves SEO consistency across different country/language versions of a website.”

This particular piece of code is necessary for franchisees and multinational corporations with international websites in order to display the appropriate language to users dependent on their location. This tactic is used in franchise or multi-location SEO efforts.

Here’s a brief checklist for international SEO:

  • Implement hreflang tags.
  • Configure Google Search Console with the appropriate language.
  • Develop a plan for localized content.
  • Research keywords to make sure every page is optimized for the intended language and region.

Recall: Language isn’t the only factor. In order to interact with the appropriate audience, you also need to take into account the context and culture of global marketplaces.

  • Local SEO (for Franchises & Local Businesses): Local SEO methods are extremely beneficial for businesses, whether they operate locally or across multiple locations. Google Business Profile, the company’s listing solution for small to large enterprises, is involved in many of the tasks on this checklist.To assist you get more local search visibility, it combines monitoring business information, using local keywords, and reviewing listings.
    –  Make sure your business profile is listed on Google
    –  As your business card on Google Search, Maps, and other Google services, claiming your Google Business Profile is essential for your local SEO tactics.
    Claiming ownership of your listing officially “Enables essential features and information management that can improve the discoverability and reputation of your local business on Google.”“You have less control over how customers interact and get in touch with your business online if a GBP is left unclaimed.”Verify the accuracy of the following information:
    – Phone number
    Website URL
    Business name
    As previously said, you can also include images, videos, and, if you have one, a picture and virtual tour of your actual business.
  • Make Your GBP More Optimal: Make sure your categories are correct and focus on local keywords in the business description to start optimizing your Google Business Profile. Next, to keep your business profile current, make frequent updates with the following details:
    –  Attributes: Complete the fields pertaining to menus, price ranges, parking, and methods of payment.
    Posts: To interact with local followers, publish posts that highlight events, sales, and news.
    Images: Include crisp images of the storefront, merchandise, personnel, and services. Images increase trust and clicks.
    If you provide customer support outside of your physical location, don’t forget to set your service zones. An updated company profile will help your local SEO ranking criteria.
  • Track down and improve your local keywords: Location-specific keywords, such as “near me” or “in [City Name],” are frequently used as local keywords.
    The following are some other local keywords that you may use:
    “[Your City’s] Best Coffee Shops”
    –  “Plumbers around/near me”
    –  “Restaurants run by families in [Your City]”
    –  “Dentists nearby [Your City]”
    –  “Repair services for cars [Your City]”
    –  “Digital marketing agency in [Your City]”
    As soon as your website is appropriately optimized for local keywords, local search results will show up for you.To locate these treasures, use programs with location settings, such as Google’s Keyword Planner. Subsequently, incorporate them into the content of your website, meta descriptions, and Google Business Profile.
  • Promote Client Testimonials: Urge pleased clients to post reviews on Yelp or on your Google Business Profile, and other review platforms. Show that you are involved by responding to reviews, and take use of any bad ones to enhance your customer service.Reacting to unfavourable critiques can be challenging. But the idea is to show that there is a real person behind your services who pays attention to client comments and issues. The company’s response ought to be thorough, outlining the problem that arose and the steps taken.Naturally, this does not imply that the review would be taken down, but it is always beneficial to communicate openly with consumer review websites. This demonstrates to clients that the business values their opinions and is working hard to enhance its services.
  • Maintain Consistent NAP Citations: Name, Address, and Phone Number is referred to as NAP. Make that all of these directories, websites, and platforms use the same information. Inconsistent information might lower your local SEO ranking criteria by confusing consumers and search engines alike.With tools like Moz Local and Yext, which thoroughly examine current citations and assist you in creating new ones, you can keep an eye on your NAP citations.
  • Publish Local Content: Your success as a franchise or local business is greatly influenced by your content. In order to promote local news, events, and activities, write blog posts, upload videos, and develop infographics. Posting frequently improves your SEO, establishes you as a community member, and increases business traffic.
  • Utilize Local Backlinks to Use: Local businesses and newspapers can provide backlinks that can enhance your local SEO tactics. To obtain these important local backlinks, get in touch with local partners, offer to sponsor events, or even offer to write content and guest posts for nearby sites.
  • Take Part in Local PR (Public Relations): Public relations (PR) can be as straightforward as placing an ad in the neighborhood newspaper or as complex as supporting a community event. In any case, it increases visibility for you and may result in further local citations and backlinks.Remember when we discussed HARO in previous sections? It’s a fantastic approach to gain local press.


  • Optimizing “Near Me” Searches : Google reports that 82% of users use “near me” when looking for nearby businesses. Therefore, to optimize for these kinds of queries, utilize keywords like “near me.”
    Here are some suggestions if you’re unsure about where to put them:
    Headings and page titles
    Meta descriptions
    Information about your business, products, or services
    In this manner, you will appear in the search results when someone looks for “IT Services Provider near me” or “best digital marketing company in (your city)”. You may gain greater visibility and local backlinks by doing that.


  1. Mobile SEO: All of your content needs to be mobile-friendly because Google fully switched to mobile-first indexing. SEO experts, website builders, and website owners have been for SEO for mobile apps and experience to get ready for this, even if the shift took seven years to finish.

    If you’re not sure where to begin, you should focus on completing the following activities to make your website mobile-friendly and mobile-first:

  • Perform a Mobile-Friendly Test First: At this stage of the checklist, the first thing you should do is see if your website is mobile-friendly. In only a few seconds, Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool will provide the solution. Even though we’ve already gone over this step in previous parts, you should go over it again now because you might have changed since then.We suggests the following additional tools to check if your website is mobile-friendly:
    – Google Search Console Mobile Usability Report:
    This report looks for problems with mobile usability on indexed pages.
    PageSpeed Insights: A Google tool that evaluates user experience and page speed on desktop and mobile devices. makes recommendations for development.
    Chrome DevTools: With the help of Chrome DevTools, you can test the website on mockups of mobile devices and emulate the mobile experience by restricting network speeds.
    WebPageTest: Offers sophisticated site optimization and speed tests, including support for mobile browsers.
    Screaming Frog SEO Spider: crawls the website, looking for problems with HTML and CSS, mobile mistakes, crawl depth, and other things. Although this is a commercial tool, crawls of websites with fewer than 500 pages can be done for free.
    Google Test My Site: This mobile-friendly test is designed with mobile devices in mind.An essential component of website optimization is testing for a mobile user experience. The tools listed above are just a handful that can assist you in getting started; it requires a distinct set of tools than desktop-focused tests.
  • Touch-Friendly Design: Your website’s design is geared for taps rather than clicks if it is mobile-friendly. This implies that every feature on your website’s UI, including the following, is simple to tap on a touchscreen:
    In-line connections
    NavigationMobile app SEO offers special chances to rank well and expand your app’s user base.
    As a general rule, make sure they are large enough to tap on and enough apart to prevent inadvertent tapping on the incorrect object. We advise utilizing heat maps to see what your users tap on in order to gain more insight into the areas of your website to enhance.
  • Optimize Responsive Design: With responsive design, your website works on all devices—from desktops to smartphones—by adapting to varying screen sizes.Because the content has been modified for mobile SEO optimization, the user experience on mobile and desktop pages is not all that different. You can guarantee that your users enjoy their experience on any device by implementing a responsive design.Many themes for content management systems (CMS) like WordPress already include responsive design. If not, you might have to work with some CSS media queries by hand.
  • Cut down on Pop-Ups: On PC, pop-ups are irksome, but on mobile, they’re plain frustrating. Get rid of them or make sure they’re as unobtrusive as possible because Google penalizes websites that utilize annoying pop-ups on mobile devices. If you must have them, make sure they are simple to close and don’t take up the whole screen.
  • Implement Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) into Practice: A Google-backed effort called AMP aims to speed up the loading of mobile pages. Faster load times can enhance user experience and indirectly help SEO, even if they are not a direct ranking criteria.According to research “Google has updated its mobile first indexing and page experience algorithms in recent years, which has somewhat diminished the relevance of AMP.”
    However, in certain use cases that would still benefit from this tech, such as
    –  Media and news websites using Google’s carousel of Top Stories.
    –  Websites that still don’t offer a mobile-first interface.
    –  Pages with inadequate Core Web Vitals or a lot of JavaScriptYou may check if your pages are AMP-compliant with the use of tools like Google’s AMP Test.


From an SEO perspective, most websites won’t benefit or need to optimize for AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) in 2023, But in 2024- 

“Google can now efficiently crawl and rank regular responsive mobile web pages as a result of its shift to mobile first indexing.”

If your website isn’t a news or media outlet, AMP no longer offers much of an SEO benefit.

  • Link Building: Backlinks, specifically high-quality backlinks, are highly valued by Google and other search engines. Although internal and external linking have already been discussed in earlier parts, link-building as an SEO component has certain actions that you must accomplish.
    This section’s objective is to support the content you’ve already created with helpful links to improve your SEO strategies.
    –  Perform a Backlink Analysis: It’s important to understand what you’re dealing with before you begin creating new links. Conduct a backlink audit using tools such as Ahrefs or Semrush. This will display to you the pages that others are linking to, who is linking to you, and the caliber of those links.Use Google’s Disavow Tool to consider disavowing any harmful or subpar links you come across.
  • Monitor your rival link-building: Pay attention to what your rivals are doing. You may see the fresh backlinks that your rivals have acquired by using tools like Ahrefs. You can use this to get inspiration for your own link-building campaigns. It’s possible that they found a link on a website that would be of interest to you.Take ideas for your own tactics from their actions rather than simply copying them.
  • Utilize Building Broken Links: Pay attention to what your rivals are doing.
    You may see the fresh backlinks that your rivals have acquired by using tools like Ahrefs. This provides inspiration for your own link-building campaigns. It’s possible that they found a link on a website that would be of interest to you.
  • Utilization of Resource Link Building: There are resource pages on some websites that provide links to helpful tools and content. Get in touch and request to be featured if you have material that meets the requirements. Just make sure the material you provide is valuable; no one enjoys a moocher.To locate these pages, use Google search operators such as “inurl:resources” along with your targeted keyword.
  • Skyscraper Framework for content : The Skyscraper Technique is taking well-liked material from your field and improving it. After that, ask websites that are linking to the original content to connect to yours instead.Use terms like “best,” “top,” and “ultimate” in your searches to uncover content that can serve as a framework. Seek out lengthy tutorials or list posts that address a variety of subjects.
  • UX and Core Web Vitals: “For those who are unaware, Core Web Vitals are a collection of metrics that measure essential elements of site performance and user-centric factors that impact page experience.”
    You can increase your Core Web Vitals and your likelihood of ranking higher by doing the following.
    – Increase Interactivity on the Site:
    Buttons, links, and forms are examples of interactive elements that should react fast to user interaction. Google uses First Input Delay (FID) to measure this. A FID score of 100 milliseconds or less is considered good. If you exceed that, you will probably face consequences.Check your FID with tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights. You may need to defer non-essential scripts or optimize your JavaScript if it’s lagging.
  • Verify the Stability of the Vision: Have you ever read something online and had the content pop out of nowhere? annoying, huh? Google’s Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) statistic calculates this. The CLS should be less than 0.1 when a page is stable.By removing components that result in layout adjustments and providing dimensions for images and videos optimized for search engines, you may keep your CLS score low. PageSpeed Insights can assist you in measuring this once more.
  • Create Accessible Designs: Make sure your website can be accessed by visually challenged visitors using keyboard commands and screen readers. Employ nav and header, as well as alt text for all photos, in your HTML.
    In code, these tags appear like this:
    <header>The header of your page</header>
    <nav>The navigation on your page is</nav>
    <img src=”example.jpg” alt=”Example image”>

For example, the alt text for a chart graphic should explain the data that is displayed.

  • Test with Actual Users: There’s nothing like real-world data. Test your website’s usability to observe how actual users interact with it. This may reveal problems you never even thought of. To conduct these tests, use programs like UserTesting or Hotjar.
  • Monitor your core web vitals: Use Google Search Console to monitor your Core Web Vitals for SEO. This will notify you of any problems that might have an impact on your rankings. By keeping a regular eye on these indicators, you can identify and address problems before they become more serious.

We suggests employing a variety of technologies to efficiently keep an eye on your Core Web Vitals:

Google Lighthouse: Performance scores for key web metrics and other metrics are provided by this audit tool. You can use it to find chances for optimizing content for search engine optimization on particular pages.

Chrome User Experience Report: Industry benchmarks are provided by this publicly available dataset, which compiles actual user experience data on key web metrics for millions of websites.

PageSpeed Insights: This Google tool provides optimization advice by analyzing page speed and other essential web metrics using lab and field data.

Google Search Console’s Core Web Vitals for SEO report: This report provides a timeline of core web vitals data for the indexed pages on your website.

Google Analytics: Core web vitals for SEO data can be customized to be pulled into custom reports. Correlation with other SEO metrics and reports, such as traffic sources, conversion rates, and other data, is made possible by this.

Analytics and Monitoring: 

  • Set up Google Analytics: Only 30% of small businesses make advantage of website analytics, which means they are losing out on valuable information.

  • Frequent SEO audits: According to 61% of marketers, enhancing SEO and expanding organic presence rank among the top priorities for inbound marketing.

Social Media Integration:

  • Include social media sharing buttons: Product pages with social media buttons saw an 11% increase in conversion rates.

  • Share content on social media: 78% of consumers who tweet a brand with a complaint anticipate hearing back from them within an hour.

Content Strategy:

  • Create a content calendar: Companies who blogs, produce 67% more leads monthly than those that don’t.

  • Provide interesting content that can be shared: 94% of individuals share blog posts because they think the information could be useful to others.

Voice Search Readiness:

  • Optimize for natural language: There has been a 61% increase in the number of question-containing voice searches.

  • Make information in the style of a FAQ: The likelihood of FAQ sites ranking for featured snippets is 2.4 times higher.

Continuous Learning Adaptation: 

  • Stay informed: According to 68% of marketers, their businesses rely somewhat or heavily on SEO.

  • Adapt to trends: According to 61% of marketers, their top inbound marketing priorities include increasing organic presence and optimizing SEO.

Checklists Based on Frequency

One-off Tasks

The set-it-and-forget-it of SEO is one-off tasks. These are one-time actions, but they have a lasting effect. These are the fundamental components of your SEO strategy that don’t need to be adjusted all the time.
When you launch your SEO campaign, you should concentrate on the following:

  1. Perform an Audit of Your Website: A thorough website assessment provides you with a starting point. It finds problems with the content, structure, and technical aspects of your website.

For the audit, make use of programs like Ahrefs or Semrush. You can find the following problems with a thorough website audit:

  • Missing meta descriptions
  • Duplicate content
  • Broken links

To lay a strong basis for your continuing SEO efforts, address these problems.

  1. Setup Google Analytics: You may obtain the information you need to make wise decisions from Google Analytics.
    After setup, it gathers data while operating in the background. Put the tracking code for Google Analytics on your website. Make sure it appears on each page you choose to monitor. Establish objectives to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and conversions.You should complete this as a one-time task for a number of reasons, one of which is that it offers information on organic traffic, such as:
  • Most popular landing pages
  • Best-performing keywords
  • Traffic generated by search engines

Additionally, it is coupled with your Search Console report through metrics like clicks, impressions, CTR, and position, which enhances your GA data and helps guide your SEO campaigns.

  • Setup XML sitemap and submit it: An XML sitemap aids in the structure of your website’s understanding by search engines. It should be updated as you add or remove pages, but you only need to build and submit it once. Create an XML sitemap using a tool or CMS functionality. To guarantee that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your website, submit it via Google Search Console.
  • Setup Google Search Console: Similar to Google Analytics, Google Search Console requires only one setup but offers insightful data. Submit your XML sitemap and use Google Search Console to validate your website. Use it to keep an eye on important data, like:
  • Backlinks
  • Search queries
  • site faults

Periodic Maintenance 

Maintaining a responsive and evolving approach is the goal of periodic activities in SEO. Like tuning an automobile to keep it operating properly, these are actions you need to perform on a regular basis. There are other recurring chores that need to be completed throughout 2024, such as monitoring performance or updating your keywords.

When managing your SEO initiatives in the upcoming year, bear this list in mind.

  • Monitor Ranking Outcomes: Rankings on search engines are subject to change. They change as a result of a number of things, including changes in user behavior, new rivals, and adjustments to SEO algorithms.But don’t limit your attention to the ranks. Take note of user engagement metrics and click-through rates as well. You should look into any significant decline in rankings or engagement as a warning sign.
  • Examine and Update the Content: Since the Internet is always changing, information that was true or important six months ago might not be so today. Additionally, search engines favor recently updated and original information.“New content allows for the iteration and improvement of older content and improves organic rankings, backlinks, and website traffic over time.” 

Plan frequent content evaluations and utilize Google Analytics to distinguish between content that performs well and poorly. Update any out-of-date data, figures, or pictures that you can. To include the most recent information and advancements, you can even establish a new section.

By doing this, you may re-optimize it for relevant keywords and maintain the freshness of your material.

  • Reviewing Internal & External Links: Some links may fail over time, or you might publish new information that has links to previous postings. With tools like Screaming Frog and Ahrefs, you may find and address them by changing the URL and rerouting your links to a more pertinent page.When you release new content, go back and review prior, pertinent postings to add internal links to your more recent work. This increases crawlability and promotes your site’s page authority distribution.
  • Optimize your On-Page SEO Fundamentals: Simple on-page SEO checklist items like meta titles and descriptions are easy to forget when you often update your website or add fresh content.

Therefore, set aside some time once a quarter to analyze all of the on-page components of your website. Verify that the header tags, meta descriptions, and title tags are all optimized for the keywords you want to target. Certain of this can be automated, with tools like Yoast SEO highlighting sites that require maintenance.

  • Run Research on Keywords: As new trends emerge in sectors and consumer behavior shifts, keywords also shift. Conduct thorough keyword research for SEO sessions at least twice a year. The size of your website determines how often you review keywords.As you come up with ideas for topics pertaining to your product or service, make a note of any new terminology that may be used to improve content.

Tasks as Needed 

The SEO actions we covered above should be done quarterly or bi-annually, but there are other chores you should do as needed. Although they are not planned, they are essential in some circumstances.

Being ready for these responsibilities guarantees that you can adapt to changes and obstacles fast, maintaining the resilience of your SEO strategy.

  • Deal with website bugs: Unexpected website faults, such as 404s or server problems, can negatively impact user experience and SEO.You can use Search Console or other website monitoring tools to locate them. Depending on the error, you might have to mend broken links, restore deleted pages, or troubleshoot server problems. To reduce impact, quick action is essential.
  • Handling Migrations and Redesigns: A large event like a site redesign or migration can have a big impact on your SEO if it’s not done right. Record your existing SEO standings, including traffic and rankings, before making any adjustments.When managing a site migration from an SEO standpoint, take into account the following important factors:
  • Implementing 301 redirects to maintain link equity and prevent broken pages, move traffic from outdated URLs to fresh URLs. However, roll them out gradually rather than all at once.
  • Using Search Console’s change of address tool to map old and new URLs 
  • Reduce downtime by planning ahead for the new site’s migration and doing so during off-peak hours.
  • Check for existing metadata and improve pages that are properly crawled and indexed after migration.
  • Updating your XML sitemaps to make crawling easier, and submit them using Search Console.
  • Monitoring on rankings to identify problems early and take swift action to correct them.
  • Avoid duplicacy having material on the old and new sites as a result of migrations.

In SEO, a website’s success is mostly determined by its presence on the internet. Finding a balance between preventing content loss during the transition and enhancing SEO performance afterwards is crucial during this period.

  • Optimize Changes in SEO Algorithms: Every year, a ton of algorithm modifications are released, including:
  • Wide-ranging core upgrades
  • Content that is helpful
  • Spam updates
  • Product review updates

Examine how updates affect your website as soon as they happen. To adjust, you might have to revise your content, speed up your website, or take other actions.

  • Revise the architecture of the site: Your original architecture may become less rational or effective as your site grows.Reviewing your site’s structure to make sure it makes sense to visitors and search engine crawlers is the best way to deal with issue. Make changes as necessary, such as:
  • Adding new categories
  • Updating your navigation
  • Implementing new internal linking techniques into practice

Aim for no more than three clicks to navigate from any page to the homepage as a general rule of thumb. Any more than that could make it more challenging for users to locate the desired content.

Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How frequently should I change the content on my website for SEO purposes?
    Keeping the material on your website updated is essential to preserving its SEO relevancy. Every three to six months is the ideal time frame for reviewing and updating your content. This include updating out-of-date material, creating new sections to reflect data or trends, and optimizing already-existing content with relevant keywords.Consistent updates tell search engines that your website is up to date and relevant, which can help your rankings. To keep your website interesting and active, updated content can also draw in new visitors and re-engage your current audience.
  • Is there a true difference between normal and mobile SEO?
    Yes, there are some significant differences between traditional SEO and mobile SEO optimization. Mobile SEO focuses on making your website as user-friendly as possible for mobile users, given the rise in the popularity of smartphones for internet access. This entails making certain that your website has touch-friendly navigation, loads swiftly on mobile devices, and adjusts to various screen sizes.
    Since local intent is a common component of mobile searches, mobile SEO typically includes local search optimization as well. Ignoring mobile SEO could hurt your search engine results and provide a large segment of your audience with a subpar user experience.
  • What role will backlinks play in 2024 SEO strategy?
    In 2024, backlinks will still be a crucial part of any SEO strategy. They serve as testimonials from other websites, indicating to search engines the authority and importance of your information. But now more importance is placed on the caliber of backlinks than on their quantity. More high-quality backlinks from relevant, credible websites will improve your SEO more than more low-quality connections.Because of this, it’s critical to concentrate on developing deep relationships and producing excellent content that draws these beneficial connections on its own.
  • Why are Core Web Vitals crucial for SEO, and what are they?
    Core Web Vitals are a collection of particular elements that Google thinks are crucial to the overall SEO and user experience of a webpage.These measurements cover visual stability (Cumulative Layout Shift), interactivity (First Input Delay), and loading performance (Largest Contentful Paint). Because they have a direct impact on how consumers interact with your website, these elements are essential for SEO.An improved user experience can result in greater ranks for a website in search engine results pages. This is especially true for sites that load rapidly, react swiftly to user interactions, and retain visual stability.
  • Is it better to work with a company like Netwet or can I manage SEO on my own?
    While it is feasible to manage SEO alone, people or businesses without specialized understanding may find it difficult due to the constantly evolving and intricate nature of SEO.An organization such as Netwet offers knowledge, experience, and a full complement of business tools. Working with an agency can be a more effective and efficient way for companies to optimize their SEO potential without taking time away from their core company operations.

Contact Netwet to Boost Your 2024 SEO Game

It takes perseverance, flexibility, and a sharp eye on the always changing digital scene to stay ahead in SEO. But let’s face it, wouldn’t it be preferable to concentrate on your strengths and delegate the rest to the professionals, even though you could spend your time keeping up with all these tasks?

Netwet is available to assist you with the laborious tasks. Our group offers full-service solutions to meet your demands and is passionate about SEO. We can help you with everything from the finer points of technical SEO to the innovative approaches to content strategy.

So Get in touch with us and together we can outperform your rivals with SEO.




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